The movie Toy Story is an all time favorite at Casa de Smiley. Our boys are particularly enthusiastic about the film and it's characters. It wasn't until recently when Noah and Nathan were fighting over a Toy Story toy that I realized, "Disney has turned my boys into pervs!"
Noah was running through the house yelling at his brother:
"Don't touch my Woody."
"That's my Woody."
"Nathan won't give me Woody"
"You broke my Woody."
"Give me my Woody."
"No I want big Woody" (we have multiple sizes of the toy)
Chris and I just looked at each other and said "Never noticed how weird that name was before." I knew that I couldn't stop the boys because 1. they wouldn't get it the risk of them asking questions was too high, and 2. that would have killed my entertainment for the evening. So Chris and I just sat back as our immature minds soaked up all the subliminal humor the creators of Toy Story must have intended when naming characters. Thank you Disney for an evening of free immature entertainment and making my children sound like complete perverts. Walt would be proud!
5 years ago
LMAO! Good for you; I would have done the same thing.