Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Keep your eye on this one!

We have been attempting to potty train Noah this last week. We have ditched all diapers and have vowed to not purchase another bag of diapers ever again! Until today, when Noah decided Toy Story 2 was far more important than making the ten step journey to the toilet to deposit his gifts from down under. Noah was proud of his rather large achievement he left on my bedroom floor while left to run the house naked from the waist down. He marched down the stairs to say "Mommy I POOPED!" When we walked into my room my eyes bugged and I yelled "ON THE FLOOR?" And Noah responded "YEAH, SEE!" You have to keep your eye, and Pull-Ups, on this one.

This only further supports my theory that children are born heathens that have to be tamed by their parents in order to become civilized...Chris and I have dropped the ball on this one!

1 comment:

  1. OMG... LMAO! this made me laugh so hard, I'm sorry. Good luck with the potty-training!
