Sunday, January 31, 2010

That's not normal?

As we drove down the road Nathan began a conversation that I was not prepared for:

Nathan: "Mommy, how do they make electricity? And what is electricity anyway?"

Emily: "I don't really know how to explain that Nathan. You should call Grandpa Peg and ask him." (My kids call my dad grandpa peg)

Nathan: "I thought you said you were smart. I guess you were wrong and your dad is the smart one."

Emily: I just hung my head and said "I guess you're right Nathan." ...internal dialogue (Oh lord! Why does he ask me such hard questions that I can't answer? Where are the questions like "where do babies come from?" I could totally handle that one!)

(Nathan stacking blocks 14 high at 2.)
From a very early age people have been telling me Nathan is "very bright". Being a first time mom I assumed that was just the polite thing people say...but looking back I realize maybe I should have listened. The signs were a little more subtle developmental achievements at an early age like walking up stairs alternating feet and vertical jumps. Then there was the stacking blocks 15 high at 2. It was around 3 that THE IMAGINATION took over. It was on a recent car ride to the pharmacy it finally struck me that Nathan is different. (a lot of important stuff happens in our car apparently)

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